Thursday, March 19, 2015

Communication and housing top priorities for chief hopeful


Cindy Spence is running for chief of Peguis First Nation.

By Austin Grabish, The Express Weekly News

Cindy Spence has a lengthy list of issues she says she would tackle if elected chief of Peguis, but first and foremost she is pledging to address the Interlake First Nation’s dire housing situation.  

“My biggest priority would be to review the housing circumstance on reserve,” said Spence in a phone interview Monday.

Hundreds of homes on the Peguis First Nation are awaiting repair or replacement, and Spence said they should be a top priority for council. 

“Our people really have been suffering,” Spence said.

But housing is just the first of many problems on the reserve she is promising to address if elected chief.

The next item on her list is communication.

She said there is a paucity of communication between council and its band members.

“I really believe that it’s time for Peguis people to take an active role in community consultations,” Spence said.

“People have to be informed of revenues, they have to be informed of what type of investments are required of Peguis band members on an ongoing long-term basis.”

Spence, who has run for chief of Peguis before, thinks poverty in the community could be eradicated if funds from large settlements the band has received were used strategically. 

“We are the beneficiaries of these trusts, and it’s time for the Peguis people to have a voice in how and where our money is invested,” Spence said.
She said many band members have questions about business dealings made by the First Nation. 

“The people of Peguis are very interested in taking a look at some of the deals that have been negotiated on our behalf.”

She said she supports businesses and if elected chief she would bring all of the recent business deals that have been made by the band to the people of Peguis.

“And pretty much review through public consultation process, and allow for people to have a proper informed decision in regards to moving any business ventures forward,” Spence said.

The long-time resident of Peguis feels there is an unfair divide in the pay employees receive on reserve.

“I think that the whole wage system needs to be reviewed in Peguis. It’s not only for chief and council, but for people who are underpaid in many cases,” Spence said.

“We are one of the wealthier bands in Manitoba however our people are some of the poorest and that’s for both on and off reserve members.”

She also questions honorariums that are given to council members when they travel and do work for off-reserve boards.

Monies paid to members of council from the boards aren’t reported like salaries and expenses, she said.

“When we look at those salaries we are only seeing one small piece of what a person is actually bringing in.”

“So I really think the whole thing needs to be looked at.”

She said if elected chief any honorariums she received for off-reserve board work would be given back to the community. 

Spence said she wants to shape the future of Peguis together with band members.

“I think that my voice represents the voice of the people, and that if I’m elected it will be the people that will be my number one priority.”

Voting takes place March 24.

**An earlier version of this story identified Spence as Smith. The Express apologizes for the error.

-- First published in the Express Weekly News print edition March 19, 2015 p.13

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